Thursday, September 26, 2013

Reporting vs. Speculation

Creative Commons photo by Ayushπ
What is your opinion of cable news networks? Do they do a good job covering the news? Or do they sensationalize the news and speculate more than report the actual facts?

Watch this brief video where political satirist and comedian Jon Stewart criticizes CNN for their live reporting of the search for the Boston bomb suspect. Then read this article written by a Michigan reporter about his growing frustration with speculation posing as reporting on a major news network like CNN.

Do you think this writer and Jon Stewart are being too harsh in their criticism? Or do you think they are right about an alarming trend in how news gets reported?

Friday, September 20, 2013

Be Careful What You Say

Creative Commons photo by teamstickergiant

     Journalists must strive to be objective in their reporting and writing, whether it's what they say or write. That's why, for example, reporters must use the words "allegedly" or "alleged" when they are reporting about someone who is suspected of doing something wrong or inappropriate.

     One must be careful with headline writing too. Here is a case study to illustrate the point. Read this article about an ESPN sports editor who was fired for a headline he wrote last year.

    Then read this article that is critical of the editor, despite his apology.

    Finally, listen to this brief podcast to learn how the editor's family helped him cope with the fall-out of his firing.

    What are your thoughts? Did he deserve to be fired? Or are people too sensitive and concerned with "political correctness" today?

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Case Study: Controversial Rolling Stone cover

Fair Use:  AP Photo/Wenner Media

Occasionally on the blog this semester we will consider real life situations that raise interesting questions concerning journalism, the First Amendment, ethics, etc.

This week I would like you to examine the controversy surrounding a recent Rolling Stone magazine cover that some people felt glamorized one of the Boston bombing suspects. (The magazine typically features rock stars or political leaders on its cover.)

Read the entire article and then share any thoughts you might have. What do you think of the Rolling Stone cover?