Saturday, September 22, 2012

Putting quotes in context

As the presidential race heats up, we will occasionally take a look at various things the candidates say and how they are covered in the media. Our first example is taken from a speech President Obama gave this past summer.  Listen to the specific part of the speech that caused such an uproar before reading any further.

After listening, you might wonder, "So? What is the big deal?" But Republicans and the media were quick to pounce on the President's words "You didn't build that." For example, click here to read how Fox News seized on that quote and put a negative "spin" on it. Make sure you watch the video embedded in the article also.

But was the President really suggesting that he doesn't believe in the American Dream of working hard to achieve individual success? This is a classic example of how quotes are often taken out of context. News organizations don't have the time or space to present long quotes to readers or viewers. So they look for the most interesting or sometimes the most controversial "sound bytes". But sometimes, particularly when the people being quoted are discussing complex subjects, picking a short "snippet" of a quote means people aren't getting the full meaning of the speaker's words.

Read this last article to see the full context of the "You didn't build that" line.

Creative Commons photo by DonkeyHotey


  1. I think that President Obama was stating the facts. Its true, we can't do it on our own no matter how smart we are. As he said, "There are a lot of smart people out there". This speech should serve as an eye opener for the successful. Out of context, "If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that" is offensive because so many people in the United States have worked hard to build a business. The president was only saying that there is someone who you need to thank, someone that helped you achieve your goal. Fox News jumped at the opportunity to create a depate, and I think it was wrong of them because the speech was actually a very good one. They only focused on the one negative line out of the many positive lines.

  2. President Obama's comment, "If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen", in my opinion is very disrespectful, and actually, it makes me angry. Yes, I agree that people have worked together to build what America is today, but his comment that "somebody else made that happen" implies that you put no work into the business you've created. Obviously, everyone has some help along the way, but that doesn't mean that somebody else did everything for you. There are people in the world that have a dream to start a business or become a doctor or do something great from the time they are little. They work hard, set goals, meet their goals, and strive to be the best they can be, all so they can make their dream come true. President Obama's comment belittles the people who have high expectations, have done something great, and those who want to do something great.

  3. President Obama's comment was not offensive when taken in context. It simply meant that none of us can succeed without receiving help in some form from someone, even if we don't realize it. Obama was also right in saying that the government helps in the achievement of the American Dream. If you didn't have a usable road to drive on, how would you get to work? If you dream of being a doctor, your parents encourage you to follow that dream, your teachers educate and prepare you, and your friends challenge you to work harder and do your absolute best. Obama was stating the truth that in The United States of America, you do not have to go it alone. You have many people around you who are willing and able to help you achieve your dreams. Of course, you are the major factor in your life and your achievements, but everyone needs help sometimes. The speech as a whole was actually quite uplifting. In politics, it is completely normal for one party to jump on the misstep of the other, but Fox news went a little too far. They devoted so much time to the snippet of the speech that even Romney's advocates must have been yawning. Moreover, the way people view President Obama's comment will largely depend on their political affiliation.

  4. After seeing both the videos of President Obama and how the Republicans responded to it, I feel that what Obama said was wrong. Yes, we understand that we can't always do everything ourselves, but you cannot just take away the hard work that people have poured into their businesses. My grandfather and father opened up their very own business together which is now thriving due to their hard work and determination. It upsets me that someone can try to undermine peoples continuous effort, time, and love they have poured into their businesses. I do not associate myself with being a Republican or a Democrat, but I feel that Obama's comment was definitely a, for a lack of better word, "low blow" to those hardworking Americans today.

  5. This remark President Obama said was referring to how businessmen and women did not actually build their own companies and, therefore, should not take credit for their own success. This remark created so much controversy because it insulted every entrepreneur. Even in the correct context, President Obama, is saying that their own hard work and success does not mean anything because somebody else already created their business. Taken out of context, we can see how the wealthier people of America are incredibly offended because they, for the most part, became wealthy because they started their own business. However, what was said, was said. Normally, this remark would not have made as much controversy, but since it is reelection season, both candidates are scrutinized at every word they speak.

  6. People from all around the world come to America to make it big, whatever they're trying to become. They, including my father, come here because of the many great American ways that includes freedom, opportunity, and especially it's capitalistic system. These people came here so they could become successful, and they knew that to do that they would have to work hard; what place would it be better to do that than America? For anybody, not just Obama, to say that all these people's hard work and all my dad's hard work was done by someone else is absolutely absurd. Even when in context, president Obama's message is still the same. It's not fair to take away the credit of those who deserve it and put it on someone else's name.


  7. I found President Obama's "you didn't build that" comment harsh and offensive. Coming from a family who owns a business, I was very insulted when I heard this. It is true that success requires help at some times, however, having help doesn't mean you didn't work hard to achieve that success. This country was built by generations of good, hardworking Americans, and Obama's remark shows he has no respect for that. To imply that working hard to achieve your goals is pointless is a slap in the face, especially to those who came from nothing and built what they have from the ground up. What was said doesn't just offend the wealthy and powerful, but every hardworking American.

  8. I believe President Obama was just trying to show people that you cannot succeed sorely on your own, you need someone else's help. No one does everything in live on their own and the president was trying to tell the business owners that they have needed the assistance of someone else to create their business. Fox News twisted what Obama said into an insult against all business owners. They portrayed Obama as hating business owners, and telling them that their choices have not made them successful, someone else built their business for them. The Media changed the meaning behind what Obama said. I think that the people should not be offended, Obama was simply trying to show people that you cannot be completely successful in life without help.

  9. In my opinion, President Obama's controversial quote was a poor choice of words. I understand the point he was trying to convey. He was implying that someone "helped" you become successful and create your own business. However, I do believe that sloppy word choice is unacceptable, especially in the position he is in. When running in any election, the object is to appeal to all. With President Obama's clumsy choice of words he easily allows his adversaries to misconstrue his initial point. If this quote is misunderstood, business owners and entrepreneurs could be offended because it appears to go against the American dream.

  10. I come from a family that's owned a business since the 1930s, and I agree with President Obama. They didn't do it all pay themselves. They needed other people: customers, banks, etc. I think what President Obama was really trying to say is that we need to work together for our goals. A business is not just one person. It's a group of people working together to make something happen. That's really Obama's message. I think Fox News saw an opportunity to trash Obama and took it. They twisted his words around without even listening to the rest of his speech. I think this is a great example of bias in the news.

  11. I believe that what President Obama said should not be taken as being offensive. A common saying that i hear all the time is that there is no I in team, which is basically what President Obama is saying. To build a successful business or to thrive in life you don't necessarily do it all on your own. You go to school, where you learn more about the profession, you might get a loan from a bank, even encouragement from your family and friends is considered helpful. And for anyone to consider themselves to be able to become successful with no help at all, in my opinion needs a wake up call. President Obama was speaking the truth when he said "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together." A lot of the times people like to take credit for something that they might have played a huge role in, i'm not saying that's a bad thing. However, what i am saying is that you should never not thank the little people, or the people who supported you. When Obama was elected President he didn't give himself a pat on the back, he gave the United States a pat on the back for believing in him and his dreams for this nation.

  12. I truly believe that President Obama's comments were completely taken out of context. President Obama was simply stressing the concept of teamwork, unity, shared sacrifices, and shared goals to further the American Dream. It is said that America is the land of opportunity -- opportunities that America, as a nation, provides to all of us. The opportunity to start a new business, the opportunity to market a business, and the opportunity to grow a business. As the daughter of an entrepreneur, I can testify that my mother would be the first to acknowledge that while she has been highly dedicated and has made a lot of sacrifices to grow her business, she could not have achieved all of her accomplishments without the support of others. I agree with President Obama's comments that, "when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together." We should remember that our progress today is built on the foundation that others have contributed to. President Obama is absolutely correct that, "that’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people." Like President Obama, I believe that we are "not on our own, we’re in this together."

  13. I believe that President Obama's statement, "If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen" was taken out of context. All he was trying to say was that we are successful because someone helped us along the way, and we should not take all the credit for everything that we've done. When Fox News heard him say this, they pounced and changed the meaning of this statement and turned it into something bad. They also just showed this part of his speech on the news, and not the whole thing, so people just heard that statement from President Obama and Fox New's opinion on it; they did not get the whole story.
